Did you invest in UBS’s Yield Enhancement Strategy known as YES?

If so, you may be able to participate in the $17.4 million civil penalty which UBS has agree to pay to distribute to harmed investors. If you have lost money by investing in the YES program, contact Gregory Tendrich at (561) 417-8777 for a review of your case and a discussion of your legal options. For 30 years, Gregory Tendrich has concentrated his practice to the securities industry. Gregory Tendrich, P.A. is dedicated to recovering losses for investors who have fallen victim to unsuitable trading, negligence and other sales practice violations committed by brokers and their firms. Gregory Tendrich is a FINRA approved mediator and arbitrator and has appeared in hundreds of FINRA arbitration and regulatory proceedings either as an arbitrator, mediator, or counsel to one of the parties.
To read the full story from the SEC please click here.
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